How IV Therapy – Immune Support Can Help
Immune Support IV Therapy, takes advantage of iv therapy to boost the immune system. For this therapy, you’ll receive one liter of a balanced electrolyte fluid with a mega-dose of our proprietary blend of B Vitamins, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Zinc, powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory vitamins. Our immune system is strongly influenced by what we take into our bodies. Vitamin C is important as it helps certain cells perform their infection and disease-fighting abilities better. Vitamin C has been shown to reduce the duration of an illness as well. Zinc is an essential key element needed by our bodies and it helps keep the immune system strong. Antioxidants add to our infection and disease-fighting ability by further stimulating cellular processes.
Oral supplements are less effective as well, because not only do they break down in the digestive tract, but it’s also not possible to take the high dose that we administer through IV Therapy. Receiving supplements through IV therapy means that your body may receive up to 100% of the supplement and because the supplement is administered directly into the bloodstream, your cells begin to receive the benefits almost immediately. IV Therapy Immune Support lasts within the body for two to three days with minimal side effects and can help give you a fighting chance against colds, flu, and can even help with the fatigue and stress that are such common complaints through our beautiful fall and winter seasons. As a result, iv therapy to boost your immune system is a much better option than oral supplements.
Why do we seem to get sick more frequently in cold months?
While it seems like a myth, there is some truth to the fact that many people find themselves not feeling well more often during the cooler months. This can actually be due to a few different factors as noted below:
- More germs – Rhinoviruses, the cause of colds peak in spring and fall, while the influenza virus peaks in winter.
- Central heating – Cold air forces people to stay inside where the warmth of heating not only keeps us comfortable but also dries the air and our nasal passages. Dry nasal passages may be more susceptible to viruses.
- Indoor humidity and ventilation – Poor ventilation coupled with dry air allows droplets from sneezes to travel further and a study at Virginia Tech in 2011 actually showed that higher relative indoor humidity can inactivate the Influenza A virus.
- Outdoor humidity – Even our cold, dry outdoor air contributes to our winter illnesses. According to two studies by the National Institutes of Health not only does the dry air allow the influenza virus to travel more easily, but the outer coating of the virus itself can become tougher in colder temperatures.
How does stress contribute to this?
In another study by the National of Institutes of Health, it was well documented that while short-term stress can actually serve to temporarily boost immunity, long-term stress has major effects on the body that not only increases the risk of viral infections but also increases the possibility of developing chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), diabetes and even cancer.
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